Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mint reveals how it lost a fortune in gold

Voltron says: maybe now they will be able to finish their "system upgrades" and begin opening new gold storage accounts through kitco.


OTTAWA — More than $3 million in government gold was unwittingly sold off at a fraction of its value as refinery slag, while $8 million more was miscounted and never left the Royal Canadian Mint, the Crown corporation revealed Monday in a full accounting of how it lost track of a fortune in gold for a year.

A series of miscalculations and blunders in the mint's gold refinery dating back to 2005 were responsible for 17,500 troy ounces — a system of weights for precious metals — of gold going missing from the mint's Ottawa inventory count last October, the mint announced in a 12-page report.

That's the equivalent of almost 44,400-ounce bars, worth more than $20 million in today's prices.

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